On the 19th and the 20th of February 2019 the partners met for the fifth time. The consortium meeting was held at the premises of the Italian partner ASSINDATCOLF, in Rome.
During the meeting, the members of the consortium had the occasion to discuss the progression of project’s activities as well as to plan the upcoming events and outputs. Thus, in the framework of the work package 3 that deals with the training content, a detailed presentation of the achieved results was made.
Moreover, since the learning and training resources had been finalised, the partners discussed the organisation of the training implementation in Italy and in Spain (work package 5).
The partners have also shared their feedback on the passed policy visits that are organised within the scope of the work package 4 (certification and recognition). The organisation of the following last two policy visits was also addressed by the consortium (see the section below).
Last but not least, taking into account that the project approaches its final stage the partners exchanged over the preparations for the final conference that will be held on the 10th of October 2019 in Paris (more information in the section below).