The PRODOME website accessible at the following address:
The site is made available by IPERIA l’Institut, the French Institute for the professionalisation of family employment mandated by the professional branches of childcare assistants and employees of private householders. The association is declared under the SIRET number: 400 417 879 00089. The headquarters are situated at the following address: 60 Avenue Quakenbrück 61004 Alençon cedex. It is represented by its President Mrs Anita POUTARD.
The website’s director of publication is Mrs Anita POUTARD, President of IPERIA l’Institut.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
To contact IPERIA l’Institut about PRODOME write to the following address : IPERIA l’Institut, 60 Avenue Quakenbrück 61004 Alençon cedex ; or call : +33 (0)2 33 82 08 92 or 0 800 820 920 (toll free).
The website was designed by 4UATRE, a “société par actions simplifiées” (simplified joint-stock company) with a capital of 148 715,00 euros, registered at the “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris” under the number 484 085 550. Its headquarters are at the following address : 3 rue De La Rochefoucauld 75009 Paris. It is represented by its President, Mr Gregory VINCENT.
Hosting is provided by AZNetwork, a “société par actions simplifiées” with a capital of 354 215,00 euros. It is registered at the “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés d’Alençon” under the number 423 880 061. Its headquarters are at the following address: 40 rue Ampère, 61000 Alençon. It is represented by its President Mr Frédéric MOREL. To contact AZNetwork, please call +33 (0)2 33 32 12 47.