
The last 4 deliverables can already be consulted and downloaded from the PRODOME’s website. These outputs cover the results and the gathered information under the work packages 3, 4, 5 and 6:

“The European training pathway for domestic housekeepers” report describes and explains the process of elaboration of the training programme and the training kit. The document provides an overview of the development of the learning materials, both distance and face-to-face. These materials include information sheets, tool sheets, quizzes and power point presentations. Gathered together, once the training delivery was concluded, these learning materials form the training kit, which is available to download for free by any interested individual or organisation.

“Implementing certification pathways for domestic housekeepers” is a report based on the policy visits, national workshops and focus groups organised in the countries of the consortium, aiming at promoting certification at EU level for domestic housekeepers. The main objective of this output is to provide guidelines and recommendations to policy makers and to the relevant stakeholders, such as social partners and VET providers, in order to implement certification pathways.

The “Evaluation report on training delivery” presents and analyses the results of the training implementation, which was tested with the participation of 58 domestic housekeepers from Italy and Spain.

The “Report on the project’s final conference” and the “Roadmap: professionalising domestic work in Europe” provides some recommendations to decision and policy makers at national and European level.

All the above documents are available here.